Brand Claim Brand Claim
by Eichhorn, Andreas

NVIDIA license service in region eu-de will be migrated to new servers on June 13th, 2022

Migration Information

New servers of NVIDA license service in region eu-de have been set up to support latest features and products. These servers have new IP addresses and will be activated by DNS change on June 13th, 2022.

If the DNS names below are used, the clients will use the new servers...

by Eichhorn, Andreas

Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) and Windows Activation Service (KMS) will be migrated to new servers on January 17th, 2022

Migration Information

New Servers of Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) and Windows Activation Service (KMS) in Region eu-de have been set up to support latest MS features and products e.g. Windows Server 2022. These servers have new IP addresses and will be activated by changing the DNS entries...

by Schischke, Johannes

Red Hat 6 and 7 infrastructure migration to RHUI v3

Migration information

Currently OTC Image Factory team plans an infrastructure migration to latest Red Hat Update Infrastucture (RHUI) v3 in German region eu-de! Therefore all existing ECS servers running a OTC public image of Red Hat 6 and 7 without BYOL are affected.

New RHUI v3 will be...

by Schiller, Roman

Public Services in OTC - New IP Addresses

We are continuously improving our services which you can find in the table below:

Hostname Type of Service Notes Vendordata OpenStack (HTTP) first boot provisioning Vendordata OpenStack (HTTP) first...
by Schischke, Johannes

Solved LVM issue - Kernel panic Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.9

Update notification by Red Hat

Last month we have informed about an important kernel panic case with kernel version greater than 3.10.0-1160.10.1.el7 while using LVM in terms of pvmove command:

Known LVM issue

Red Hat has officially published an update regarding this case which also...