Brand Claim Brand Claim
by Schischke, Johannes

Known LVM issue - Kernel panic Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.9

Important notification by Red Hat

All Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.9 (RHEL 7.9) images which running a kernel version greater than 3.10.0-1160.10.1.el7 are affected by a kernel panic during execution of a pvmove command!

Please find the latest official information and workaround link down b...

by Müller, Sabrina

OTC BMS upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04

needs special attention to the network configuration.

Background, what happens with the network?

Since Ubuntu 17.04 the new default network configuration method for network devices is 'netplan'. (More information:
The default nework configuration in Ubuntu 16.04 inst...

by Mushtaq, Obaid

The Next Generation Image Factory

Building VM images for glance is essential for a secure and reliable cloud platform based on OpenStack. Public cloud operators face extra challenges, since users demand for up-to-date, secured, and maintained images. Unfortunately, no convenient framework exists to flexibly build a wide variety OS images for OpenStack based clouds. The aim of our agile transformed Images squad (previously called the Image Factory) is to transparently develop, build & support hardened and patched OpenStack glance machine images (Linux/Windows) to be used for instances and bare-metal servers on the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) public and hybrid clouds. The images are also certified with the respective vendors wherever necessary.

by Kucerak, Kristian

CCE - Kubernetes NGINX Ingress with Sticky Session

The current version of Cloud Container Engine - CCE (CCEv2 with kubernetes 1.11) supports external access to kubernetes applications via Elastic Load Balancer - ELB which has an assigned Elastic IP - EIP. This allows users to access services from outside of OTC which are load balanced to the backend CCE nodes and then reach the applications running on the kubernetes cluster. However this might bring a challange for applications which require session persistance between the client and the specific server (in CCE case it is container in the POD) for the duration of the session (sticky session). The ELB supports sticky session based on IP addresses, but if we consider the nature of kubernetes applications, then this might not be sufficient. Just imagine and application which runs multiple PODs on the same CCE node and the CCE node has only one IP address to which the ELB sends the traffic.

by Müller, Sabrina

SLES service pack upgrade

There are several ways to upgrade a SLES12 SP2 to SLES SP3.
OTC has not prepared the way of upgrading via SMT server.
The way to go in OTC is to change SLES repository configuration files to new service pack and start dist upgrade with zypper command.

This upgrade process is the same for all S...