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by Kurt Garloff

Root Cause Analysis and Improvements on OTC Network Outage 2017-11-08

About this document

The Open Telekom Cloud(OTC) had a broad network outage on 2017-11-08 from 13:44 CET until 14:41 CET. The OTC customers were informed about it an hour after the event and some details on what exactly happened were sent out in the morning of 2017-11-10.

by Kurt Garloff

Guide for using SNAT on OTC


The Open Telekom Cloud_ (OTC) allows customers to associate elastic IPs (floating IPs) with vNICs (ports) on Virtual Machines (VMs) to expose them to the internet and support in- and outgoing connections.

by Kurt Garloff

Guide for OTC PreProduction access and usage


The Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) consists of several environments; the environment that customers normally get to see is the production environment. There is also a staging environment that can be divided into several compartments and is used to test and validate fixes; it is commonly referred to as PreProduction environment, or short PreProd.

by Kurt Garloff

Public Services in OTC

The Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) offers a number of services to customer VMs that these can use without needing to have internet access.

While many of these are preconfigured in the public images from the OTC ImageFactory and thus will automatically be used, customers with private images will need to configure their images (and networks) to use these explicitly. Customers creating subnets via the API will also need to configure the name server (DNS) themselves.

by Kurt Garloff

Service Interruption on OTC

Executive Summary

The Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) will undergo major changes in December.

During this time, the Management/Control Plane (Web Interface and API) will be unavailable several times for a number of minutes. The User/Data Plane (Virtual Resources) will be unreachable for a few minutes as well. In addition, due to the nature of the changes, the Virtual Machines (ECS) will not be live-migrated during this round of updates; instead all VMs will be terminated and restarted a few minutes later (cold migration). The User Plane changes will be performed in AZ1 (eu-de-01) before changes are started in AZ2 (eu-de-02), so cloud native applications should not see a service disruption.