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by Kurt Garloff

April 2018

Updated images provided on 2018-04-13. Major changes over previous versions:


  • All: Include all updates from the Linxu distributors

  • SLES 11 and SLES 12:

    • Updated bms-network-setup to handle scenarios, where network devices are ordered differently than assumed in network_config.j...
by Kurt Garloff

March 2018

Updated images provided on 2018-03-15. Major changes over previous versions:


  • New image Standard_Fedora_27_latest

  • Debian-9

    • add packages kbd and console-data (to enable 'sudo loadkeys [de,us]')
  • Redhat and Oracle images with retpoline kernel

  • Oracle7 BMS image avail...

by Kurt Garloff

February 2018

All Linux images received significant work on the bootup speed:

  • The platform got a better performing Metadata Service (MDS)
  • The network start scripts were tuned (wait times, waiting for mds, ...)
  • cloud-init > 0.7.6 received a patch removing unnecessary retries on 404
  • The generation of an o...
by Kurt Garloff

January 2018

Updated images provided on 2018-01-26. Major changes over previous versions:

  • Ubuntu-14, Ubuntu-16

    • Security fix for Spectre Variant-1 (CVE-2017-5753)

      new version Ubuntu-14 with k...

by Kurt Garloff

December 2017

Updated images provided on 2017-12-15. Major changes over previous versions:

  • Linux images

    • All upstream updates, as usual
    • Use for creating ifcfg-* from network_data.json on Bare Metal.
    • Make local_port_range an even number
    • Boot time optimizations (especially SUSE12...